Return and refund

How can I return my order?
Our goal is for customers to be happy with their purchases, but we understand things may not always go as planned. If there are any issues with your item or delivery of your item, contact us for assistance. This policy does not limit your statutory rights to withdraw or rights you may have in relation to incorrect, damaged or defective goods. Only If an item arrives and it’s defective, damaged, or incorrect , it is eligible for a refund and may need to be returned.

The Standard Returns Process
Please submit a request for a return or a refund within 30 days of delivery. If the order hasn’t arrived, please request a refund within 30 days of the delivery date. We have no obligation to consider a request placed outside 30 days of the date of delivery.

Return of Funds
After Deustore approves a return or cancellation or withdrawal and (in certain cases) confirms the return of the order, Deustore will return the amount of the purchase and the standard shipping fees.